Givet den kraftiga kursrörelsen i dagens handel har vi sammanställt en kort kommentar kring bakgrunden samt vad vi tror kommer hända den närmaste tiden. (Texten är på engelska)
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Tundra har marknadsföringstillstånd för sina fonder i nedan länder. Tundra har dessutom marknads-föringstillstånd för sin diskretionära förvaltning i Danmark. Genom att klicka på respektive land bekräftar du att du är hemmahörande i något av dessa.
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Tundra has marketing licenses for its funds in the below jurisdictions. In addition, Tundra has a marketing license for managing segregated accounts In Denmark. You confirm your jurisdiction by clicking on one of the links below.
Andelar i värdepappersfonder kan både öka och minska i värde, det är därför inte säkert att man vid försäljning alltid får tillbaka investerade pengar. Historisk avkastning är ingen garanti för framtida avkastning. Fondens värde kan variera kraftigt pga fondens sammansättning och de förvaltningsmetoder fondbolaget använder.
Informationsbroschyren, faktablad och övrig information finns på och årsredovisning och halvårsredogörelse finns på Du kan också kontakta oss om du vill att vi ska skicka dessa handlingar kostnadsfritt till dig.
Har du några frågor är du välkomna att ringa oss på telefonnummer: 08-55 11 45 70.
Genom att klicka på ’Jag accepterar’ har du bekräftat att du förstått och accepterar ovan villkor.
The information being provided on this website shall not be seen as solicitation, marketing or recommendation of the funds. The information is not designed for use in any jurisdiction or location (including the United States of America) where the publication or availability of the information would be contrary to local law or regulation. All information on this website is for information purposes only. Persons accessing this website are responsible for their choice and use of the information.
Capital invested in a fund may either increase or decrease in value and it is not certain that you will be able to recover all of your investment. Historical return is no guarantee of future return. The Full Prospectus, KIID etc. can be found at and the Annual and semi-annual reports can be found at You can also contact us to receive the documents free of charge.
Please contact us if you require any further information:+46 8-55 11 45 70
By pressing the “I accept” button you confirm that you accept and understand information above.
Capital invested in a fund may either increase or decrease in value and it is not certain that you will be able to recover all of your investment. Historical return is no guarantee of future return. The state of the origin of the Fund is Sweden. This document may only be distributed in or from Switzerland to qualified investors within the meaning of Art. 10 Para. 3,3bis and 3ter CISA. The representative in Switzerland is OpenFunds Investment Services AG, Seefeldstrasse 35, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland, whilst the Paying Agent is Società Bancaria Ticinese, Piazza Collegiata 3, 6501 Bellinzona, Switzerland. The Basic documents of the fund as well as the annual report may be obtained free of charge at the registered office of the Swiss Representative.
By pressing the “I accept” button you confirm that you accept and understand information above.
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Cookies are used on the Company’s website to see the number of new visitors or track an individual visitor either during a single session or for a longer period. This is done for statistical purposes and to improve the ease of use of the website. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you may specify this in your browser settings, either so that the browser automatically denies the storage of cookies or so that you are notified every time a website requests storage of a cookie. You may also delete previously stored cookies through your browser.
* Qualified investor according to Art. 10 Para. 3, 3bis and 3ter CISA.