News, Reports
Tundra annual sustainability report 2016

In this Annual Sustainability report we summarize our efforts within ESG during the past year.

Tundra’s ESG process is governed by international standards of responsible investing and has been so from the start; but to emphasize our commitment we have joined several international collaborations to formalise our ambitions. We support the UN Global Compact and are committed to continue our work aligning with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Tundra also aims to incorporate all aspects of the principles of the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) that are considered relevant to the business and the ESG-process. Tundra has also signed the UN-led initiative PRI (Principles for Responsible Investments) and work actively to incorporate the principles in our strategy and investments. Furthermore, Tundra has chosen to support the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP – an international collaboration aiming to motivate companies to disclose their environmental impact by reporting on emissions and to map out progress globally. Among other new collaborations is our new screening expert, Sustainalytics, in an approach were we intensified our efforts within ESG and introduced screening for norm-breaches in all of our funds. For the Tundra Sustainable Frontier fund the requirements were strengthened, by excluding all companies that are involved in extraction of fossil fuels, or companies involved in production where the raw material mainly consists of fossil fuels. We are also in the process of expanding our network of NGOs and adding more research collaborations.

Engagement is key. We strongly believe that change is possible, and our ambition is to have an impact on the development in the markets where we operate. This is only possible through an active ownership, local presence and large networks from all levels of society. We believe that the ESG analysis is an important part of a successful business case. This reflects the Tundra way of working with sustainability.

Read the full report here.

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